The rock outcrops in the area represent Dhiban, Euphtates, Jeribe, Fatha, Injana, Mukdadiyah and Bai Hassan formations; in addition to Quaternary sediments. Al-Qaiyara Quadrangle includes two structural zones of Stable and Unstable Shelves. From the topographic point of view the map area can be divided into two regions: plain area and mountainous or highland area.
The climate of the map area is under the conditions of the Jezzera Zone, which is characterized by cold winter with low to intermediate rainfall and hot and dry summer.
Injana and Fatha formations are considered the main groundwater aquifers in the area. Injana Formation represents the main aquifer within the eastern and northern parts of the map area, while Fatha Formation represents the main aquifer in the remaining parts of the map area.
Generally, the groundwater flow west of Tigris River is towards the east and southeast, while at the eastern part of the river, the flow direction is toward west and southwest. Tigris River and Tharthar valley are considered as a drain system to the surrounding areas.
Groundwater quality is mainly sulphatic within the map area, whereas bicarbonate water is found mainly at the eastern and northeastern parts of the map area.
The groundwater is classified according to the salinity into five classes: fresh water, slightly brackish water, brackish water (two subclasses) and salty water. Fresh water is found mainly in the eastern parts of the Tigris River.
Mostly, the groundwater in the map area is not suitable for human drinking, but it is mostly suitable for livestocks except those wells of high salinity. Water from a number of wells can be used for irrigation, building and industrial purposes, too.
معرّف المصادر الموحد
- تقارير فنية [2838]