الملخص | Khanaqin Quadrangle is located within the Unstable Shelf. The northeastern part of it is located within the High Folded Zone, while most parts of it is located within Foothills Zone. The outcrops in the area range in age between Lower Cretaceous and Quaternary, represented by Chia Gara, Balambo, Kometan, Shiranish, Tanjero, Kolosh, Gercus, Avanah, Pilapsi, Shurau, Bajwan, Baba, Tarjil, Azkand, Anah, Euphrates, Jerebi, Fat'ha, Injana, Mukdadiya and Bai Hassan Formations, in addition to Quaternary Sediments.
From the topographic point of view, the area includes many chains of mountains and hills enclose in between plain basins. From the geomorphological point of view there are many geomorphic units of depositional, erosional and structural origin.
The climate of the area is under arid and semi arid conditions, which are characterized by cold winter with low rainfall and hot and dry summer. Bai Hassan and Mukdadiyah formations represent the main aquifers of almost main parts of the Quadrangle. Quaternary sediments represent ground water aquifer, because their thickness is suitable for store groundwater on different parts of the Quadrangle.
The general groundwater flow follows topographic features, in general. It is from north and northeast toward south and southeast.
Groundwater quality is mainly bicarbonatic with sulphatic and chloride in some localities, the groundwater is classified according to salinity into four classes: fresh water, slightly brackish water, brackish water (two subclasses).
Generally the groundwater in the area is suitable for human drinking, for live stock and irrigation. Some wells can be used for some industrial and building purposes. | |